Washington 25, D.C.
April 23, 1963
MEMORANDUM FOR: Members and Affiliates of the Intergalactic
Computer Network
FROM : J. C. R. Licklider
SUBJECT : Topics for Discussion at the Forthcoming Meeting
First, I apologize humbly for having to postpone the meeting
scheduled for 3 May 1963 in Palo Alto. The ARPA Command & Con-
trol Research office has just been assigned a new task that must be
activated immediately, and I must devote the whole of the coming
week to it. The priority is externally enforced. I am extremely
sorry to inconvenience those of you who have made plans for May 3rd.
Inasmuch as I shall be in Cambridge the rest of this week, I am
asking my colleagues here to re-schedule the meeting, with May 10 th,
Palo Alto, as target time and place.
The need for the meeting and the purpose of the meeting are
things that I feel intuitively, not things that I perceive in
clear structure. I am afraid that that fact will be too evident
in the following paragraphs. Nevertheless, I shall try to set
forth some background material and some thoughts about possible
interactions among the various activities in the overall enter-
prise for which, as you may have detected in the above-Subject,
I am at a loss for a name.
In the first place, it is evident that we have among us a
collection of individual (personal and/or organizational) aspir-
ations, efforts, activities, and projects. These have in common,
I think, the characteristics that they are in some way connected
with advancement of the art or technology of information processing,
the advancement of intellectual capability (man, man-machine, or
machine), and the approach to a theory of science. The individual
parts are, at least to some extent, mutually interdependent. To
make progress, each of the active research needs a software base
and a hardware facility more complex and more extensive than he,
himself, can create in reasonable time.
In pursuing the individual objectives, various members of
the group will be preparing executive the monitoring routines,
languages amd [sic.] compilers, debugging systems and documentation
schemes, and substantive computer programs of more or less
general usefulness. One of the purposes of the meeting--perhaps
the main purpose--is to explore the possibilities for mutual
advantage in these activities--to determine who is dependent
upon whom for what and who may achieve a bonus benefit from
which activities of what other members of the group. It will
be necessary to take into account the costs as well as the
values, of course. Nevertheless, it seems to me that it is
much more likely to be advantageous than disadvantageous for
each to see the others' tentative plans before the plans are
entirely crystalized. I do not mean to argue that everyone
should abide by some rigid system of rules and constraints
that might maximize, for example, program interchangeability.
But, I do think that we should see the main parts of the
several projected efforts, all on one blackboard, so that it
will be more evident than it would otherwise be, where net-
work-wide conventions would be helpful and where individual
concessions to group advantage would be most important.
It is difficult to determine, of course, what constitutes
"group advantage." Even at the risk of confusing my own
individual objectives (or ARPA's) with those of the "group,"
however, let me try to set forth some of the things that
might be, in some sense, group or system or network desiderata.
There will be programming languages, debugging languages,
time-sharing system control languages, computer-network
languages, data-base (or file-storage-and-retrieval languages),
and perhaps other languages as well. It may or may not be
a good idea to oppose or to constrain lightly the proliferation
of such. However, there seems to me to be little question
that it is desireable to foster "transfer of training" among
these languages. One way in which transfer can be facilitated
is to follow group consensus in the making of the arbitrary
and nearly-arbitrary decisions that arise in the design and
implementation of languages. There would be little point,
for example, in having a diversity of symbols, one for each
individual or one for each center, to designate "contents of"
or "type the contents of." It seems to me desirable to have
as much homogenity as can reasonably be achieved in the set
of sub-languages of a given language system--the system, for
example, of programming, debugging, and time-sharing--control
lanugages related to JOVIAL on the Q-32, or the system
related to Algol (if such were developed and turned out
to be different from the JOVIAL set) for the Q-32 computer,
or the set related to FORTRAN for a 7090 or a 7094.
Dictating the foregoing paragraph led me to see more
clearly than I had seen it before that the problem of achiev-
ing homogeneity within a set of correlated languages is
made difficult by the fact that there will be, at a given
time, only one time-sharing system in operation on a given
computer, whereas more than one programming language with
its associated debugging language may be simultaneously in
use. The time-sharing control language can be highly correlated
only with one programming and debugging language pair. Insofar
as syntax is concerned, therefore, it seems that it may be
necessary to have a "preferred" language for each computer
facility or system, and to have the time-sharing control
language be consistent with the preferred. Insofar as semantics
is concerned--or, at least, insofar as the association of
particular symbols with particular control functions is
concerned--I see that it would be possible, thought perhaps
inconvenient, to provide for the use, by several different
operators, of several different specific vocabularies. Any-
way, there seems to me to be a problem, or a set of problems,
in this area.
There is an analogous problem, and probably a more diffi-
cult one, in the matter of language for the control of a
network of computers. Consider the situation in which several
different centers are netted together, each center being
highly individualistic and having its own special language
and its own special way of doing things. Is it not desirable,
or even necessary for all the centers to agree upon some
language or, at least, upon some conventions for asking such
questions as "What language do you speak?" At this extree, [sic.]
the problem is essentially the one discussed by science
fiction writers: "how do you get communications started
among totally uncorrelated "sapient" beings?" But, I
should not like to make an extreme assumption about the
uncorellatedness. (I am willing to make an extreme assump-
tion about the sapience.) The more practical set of ques-
tions is: Is the network control language the same thing
as the time-sharing control language? (If so, the implica-
tion is that there is a common time-sharing control language.)
Is the network control language different from the time-sharing
control language, and is the network-control language common
to the several netted facilities? Is there no such thing as
a network-control language? (Does one, for example, simply
control his own computer in such a way as to connect it into
whatever part of the already-operating net he likes, and then
shift over to an appropriate mode?)
In the foregoing paragraphs, I seem to have lept into the
middle of complexity. Let me approach from a different start-
ing point. Evidently, one or another member of this enterprise
will be preparing a compiler, or compilers, for modifying
existing programs that compile FORTAN [sic.], JOVIAL, ALGOL, LISP
and IPL-V (or V-l, or V-ll). If there is more than one of
any one of the foregoing, or of any one of others that I do
not foresee, then it seems worthwhile to examine the projected
efforts for compatibility. Moreover, to me, at least, it seems
desireable to examine the projected efforts to see what their
particular features are, and to see whether there is any
point in defining a collection of desireable features and
trying to get them all into one language and one system of
compilers. I am impressed by the argument that list-struc-
ture features are important as potential elements of ALGOL
or JOVIAL, that we should think in terms of incorporating
list-structure features into existing languages quite as
much as in terms of constructing languages around list-
It will possibly turn out, I realize, that only on rare
occasions do most or all of the computers in the overall
system operate together in an integrated network. It seems
to me to be interesting and important, nevertheless, to
develop a capability for integrated network operation. If
such a network as I envisage nebulously could be brought
into operation, we would have at least four large computers,
perhaps six or eight small computers, and a great assortment
of disc files and magnetic tape units--not to mention the
remote consoles and teletype stations--all churning away.
It seems easiest to approach this matter from the individual
user's point of view--to see what he would like to have,
what he might like to do, and then to try to figure out
how to make a system within which his requirements can be
met. Among the things I see that a user might want to have,
or to do, are the following:
(Let me suppose that I am sitting at a console that
includes a cathode-ray-tube display, light-pen, and a type-
writer.) I want to retrieve a set of experimental data
that is on a tape called Listening Test. The data are
called "experiment 3." These data are basically percent-
ages for various signal-to-noise ratios. There are many
such empirical functions. The experiment had a matrix
design, with several listeners, several modes of presenta-
tion, several signal frequencies, and several durations.
I want, first, to fit some "theoretical" curves to the
measured data. I want to do this in a preliminary way
to find out what basic function I want to choose for the
theoretical relation between precentage [sic.] and signal-to-noise
ratio. On another tape, called "Curve Fitting,"
I have some routines that fit straight lines, power functions, and
cumulative normal curves. But, I want to try some others,
also. Let me try, at the beginning, the functions for
which I have programs. The trouble is, I do not have a
good grid-plotting program. I want to borrow one. Simple,
rectangular coordinates will do, but I would like to spec-
ify how many divisions of each scale there shoudl be and
what the labels should be. I want to put that information
in through my typewriter . Is there a suitable grid-plotting
program anywhere in the system? Using prevailing network
doctrine, I interrogate first the local facility, and then
other centers. Let us suppose that I am working at SDC,
and that I find a program that looks suitable on a disc
file in Berkeley. My programs were written in JOVIAL.
The programs I have located throught the system were written
in FORTRAN. I would like to bring them in as relocatable
binary programs and, using them as subroutines, from my
curve-fitting programs, either at "bring-in time" or at
Supposing that I am able to accomplish the steps just
described, let us proceed. I find that straight lines,
cubics, quintics, etc., do not provide good fits to the
data. The best fits look bad when I view them on the
The fits of the measured data to the cumulative normal
curve are not prohibitively bad. I am more interested in
finding a basic function that I can control appropriately
with a few perimeters than I am in making contact with any
particular theory about the detection process, so I want to
find out merely whether anyone in the system has any curve-
fitting programs that will accept functions supplied by the
user or that happen to have built-in functions roughly like
the cumulative normal curve, but assymmetrical. Let us
suppose that I interrogate the various files, or perhaps
interrogate a master-integrated, network file, and find
out that no such programs exist. I decide, therefore, to
go along with the normal curve.
At this point, I have to do some programming. I want
to hold on to my data, to the programs for normal curve
fitting, and to display programs that I borrowed. What
I want to do is to fit cumulative normal curves to my various
sub-sets of data constraining the mean and the variance to
change slowly as I proceed along any of the ordinal or ratio-
scale dimensions of my experiment, and permitting slighly
different sets of perimeters for the various subjects. So,
what I want to do next is to create a kind of master program
to set perimeter values for the curve-fitting routines, and
to display both the graphical fits and the numerical measures
of goodness to fit as, with light-pen and graphics of perimeters
versus independent variables on the oscilliscope screen, I
set up and try out various (to me) reasonable configurations.
Let us say that I try to program repeatedly on my actual data,
with the subordinate programs already mentioned, until I
get the thing to work.
Let us suppose that I finally do succeed, that I get
some reasonable results, photograph the graphs showing both
the empirical data and the "theoretical" curves, and retain
for future use the new programs. I want to make a system
of the whole set of programs and store it away under the
name "Constrained-perimeter Normal-curve-fitting System."
But, then suppose that my intuitively natural way of naming
the system is at odds with the general guidelines of the
network for naming programs. I would like to have this
variance from convention called to my attention, for I am
a conscientious "organization man" when it comes to matters
of program libraries and public files of useful data.
In the foregoing, I must have exercised several network
features. I engaged in information retrieval through some
kind of system that looked for programs to meet certain
requirements I had in mind. Presumably, this was a system
based upon descriptors, or reasonable facsimiles thereof,
and not in the near future, upon computer appreciation of
natural language. However, it would be pleasant to use
some of the capabilities of avant-garde linguistics. In
using the borrowed programs, I effected some linkages
between my programs and the borrowed ones. Hopefully, I
did this without much effort--hopefully, the linkages were
set up--or the basis for making them was set up--when the
programs were brought into the part of the stytem [sic.] that I
was using. I did not borrow any data, but that was only
because I was working on experimental data of my own. If
I had been trying to test some kind of a theory, I would
have wanted to borrow data as well as programs.
When the computer operated the programs for me, I suppose
that the activity took place in the computer at SDC, which
is where we have been assuming I was. However, I would just
as soon leave that on the level of inference. With a
sophisticated network-control system, I would not decide
whether to send the data and have them worked on by programs
somewhere else, or bring in programs and have them work on
my data. I have no great objection to making that decision,
for a while at any rate, but, in principle, it seems better
for the computer, or the network, somehow, to do that.
At the end of my work, I filed some things away, and
tried to do it in such a way that they would be useful to
others. That called into play, presumably, some kind of a
convention-monitoring system that, in its early stages, must
almost surely involve a human criterian as well as maching [sic.]
The foregoing (unfortunately long) example is intended
to be a kind of example of example. I would like to collect,
or see someone collect, a considerable number of such examples,
and to see what kind of software and hardware facilities they
imply. I have it well in mind that one of the implications
of a considerable number of such examples would be a very
large random-access memory.
Now, to take still another approach to this whole matter,
let me string-together a series of thoughts that are coming
to mind. (I was interrupted at this point, and the discussion
almost has to take a turn.) First, there is the question of
"pure procedure." I understand that the new verion of JOVIAL
is going to compile programs in "pure-procedure" style.
Will the other compilers at the other centers do likewise?
Second, there is the question of the interpretation, at
one center, of requests directed to it from another center.
I visualize vaguely some kind of an interpretive system
that would serve to translate the incoming language into
commands or questions of the form in terms of which the
interrogated center operates. Alternatively, of course,
the translation could be done at the sending end. Still
alternatively, the coordination could be so good that
everybody spoke a common language and used a common set
of formates. Third, there is the problem of protecting
and updating public files. I do not want to use material
from a file that is in the process of being changed by
someone else. There may be, in our mutual activities,
something approximately analogous to military security
classification. If so, how will we handle it?
Next, there is the problem of incremental compiling.
Am I correct in thinking that Perlis, with his "threaded
lists," has that problem, and the related problem of com-
pile-test-recompile, essentially solved?
Over on the hardware side, I am worried that the boundry-
registered problem, or more generally the memory-protection
problem, may be expensive to solve on the Q-32 and both
difficult and expensive to solve on other machines, and I
am worried that the problem of swapping or transferring
information between core and secondary memory will be
difficult and expensive on 7090s and 7094s--and I worry
that time-sharing will not be much good without fast swaps
or transfers. What are the best thoughts on these questions?
In what state are our several or collective plans?
Implicit in the long example was the question of linking
subroutines at run time. It is easy to do the calling, itself,
through a simple directory, but it seems not to be so simple
to handle system variables. Maybe it is simple in principle
and perhaps I should say that it seems possibly infeasible
to handle the linking of the system variables at run time through
tables or simple addressing schemes.
It is necessary to bring this opus to a close because
I have to go catch an airplane. I had intended to review
ARPA's Command-and-Control interests in improved man-computer
interaction, in time-sharing and in computer networks. I
think, however, that you all understnad [sic.] the reasons for
ARPA's basic interest in these matters, and I can, if need
be, review them briefly at the meeting. The fact is, as I
see it, that the military greatly needs solutions to many
or most of the problems that will arise if we tried to make
good use of the facilities that are coming into existence.
I am hoping that there will be, in our individual efforts,
enought evident advantage in cooperative programming and
operation to lead us to solve th problems and, thus, to
bring into being the technology that the military needs.
When problems arise clearly in the military context and
seem not to appear in the research context, then ARPA can
take steps to handle them on an ad hoc basis. As I
say, however, hopefully, many of the problems will be essentially
as important, in the research context as in the military
In conclusion, then, let me say again that I have the
feeling we should discuss together at some length questions
and problems in the set to which I have tried to point in
the foregoing discussion. Perhaps I have not pointed
to all the problems. Hopefully, the discussion may be a
little less rambling than this effort that I am now com-
J. C. R. Licklider, Director
Behavioral Sciences
Command & Control Research
System Dev. Corp.
Dr. Donald L. Driukey, Director ARPA Command Research Project
J.I. Schwartz, Head of Time-Sharing Project
R. von Buelow, Head Development Project Lab
Stanford Research Institute
Dr. D. C. Engelbart, Sr. Research Engineer
Dr. John H. Wensley, Research Engineer
Stanford University
Dr. John McCarthy
University of California (Berkeley)
R. Harry D. Huskey, Acting Director, Computing Center
Professor Edward Feigenbaum
University of California (Los Angeles)
Professor George W. Brown, Director
Data Processing Center
Carnegie Institute of Technology Information Internal
Professor Alan J. Perlis Mr. Edward Fredkin, President
Professor Allen Newell Mr. Benjamin M. Gurley
Mass. Institute of Technology Thompson-Ramo-Woolridge
Professor Robert M. Fano Dr. Glen Culler
Research Lab. of Electronics
Professor Fernando J. Corbato
Professor Marvin Minsky
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